Terms & Conditions

Community Guidelines

We believe in fostering a respectful, supportive, and inclusive community where everyone can thrive. By participating in the Superhuman Transformation Program, you agree to:

  1. Respectful Communication: Always communicate with fellow participants, coaches, and team members with respect and kindness. Harassment, discrimination, or any form of disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.
  2. Active Participation: Engage fully in the program by attending sessions, completing assignments, and contributing to discussions. Your active participation enhances the experience for everyone involved.
  3. Confidentiality: Respect the privacy and confidentiality of others. Personal information, shared stories, and experiences discussed within the program should remain within the community.
  4. Constructive Feedback: We encourage constructive feedback that helps others grow. When offering feedback, do so with the intention of supporting others on their journey.
  5. No Solicitation: The Superhuman Transformation Program is a space for personal growth, not for promoting personal businesses, services, or products. Please refrain from unsolicited promotions.
  6. Positive Attitude: Approach each session with a positive and open mindset. Transformation is a journey that requires patience, commitment, and a willingness to embrace change.

Refund Policy:

In The Superhuman Challenge / Transformation / Evolution, we are committed to providing you with an exceptional experience during the lifetime of this product. However, we understand that circumstances may arise that necessitate a refund. To ensure your satisfaction and peace of mind, we offer the following refund policy:

Refund Eligibility:

To be eligible for a refund, you must attend the 1-on-1 Call with Swastik which you had booked based on your choice of available slots. If, after attending the 1-on-1 Call with Swastik, you decide on the call itself that you have chosen not to go ahead with The Superhuman Challenge / Transformation / Evolution, you are eligible for a refund of the booking amount you paid. The decision to not continue with The Superhuman Challenge / Transformation / Evolution should happen on the 1-on-1 call booked with swastik, and no later than the end of the day. Any payments made after this are considered as an agreement to continue with The Superhuman Challenge / Transformation / Evolution henceforth.

Refund Process:

Only if you are eligible based on the above points, you can go ahead and apply for a refund. To request a refund, please send an email to info@swastiknandakumar.com. Please mention that you’re not going ahead with The Superhuman Challenge / Transformation / Evolution, and you would want the refund of the booking amount that you paid. Once your refund request is received, we are committed to a hassle-free refund process for eligible attendees. Your refund will be processed within 14 days after the refund request is received.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns about our refund policy or wish to request a refund, please contact us at info@swastiknandakumar.com.

Cancellation Policy:

In the event that The Superhuman Challenge / Transformation / Evolution is forced to cancel or reschedule the event (or sessions within the event) for reasons beyond our control, we will announce the rescheduled dates for the future events. We cannot promise you the dates in advance.

By making this Confirmation Payment for The Superhuman Challenge / Transformation / Evolution, you agree to abide by the terms of this Refund Policy.